Friday, February 13, 2009

Retired,Fire(d) and Tired

It has been almost one month since my last posting. This sounds like my Catholic upbringing!

Well you see, I went on a week long cruise. That's a whole nother(is that a word?) blog. Not the ports that I visited;drinks that I had;pounds that I gained nor fun I had,but the ports almost didn't see...

When we got home,we rushed over to the East Coast(here in "the Florida") twice,within days of each other. On the first trip back, the mobile home almost burned down.Power surge which resulted in loosing a two year almost "grown up" NEW tv to us , a hardly new $25.00 tv,did I mention that the NEW tv had a built in dvdplayer and VCR,and the COMPUTER!!! Well,SJ always told me not to buy a combo tv,but who listens to the wise one tech daughter? BUT,the COMPUTER!!! Just when I was beginning to BLOG. We took the computer to the fix it shop. Is that the "PC"(political correct/personal computer) word now to call it a "fix it shop"? The computer person called back and said it cooked the power source only(only $100.00)PLUS $20.00 more to double it's memory. I only wish I could go somewhere here in "the Florida" where they have every kind of clinic under the sun,to have my memory upgraded for just $20.00! When I mentioned to SJ about the computer only having the power source damaged,and that it must have been due to the "fire wall" she laughed too long and loud. She then went on to explain to me what a fire wall is. Then I tried to remember if I said this to the computer person at the fix it shop or anyone else,BUT you see, my memory failed me due to not being able to double the memory. If I could double my memory,wouldn't I be something else instead of retired,fire(d) and tired.

As you can tell,I am a rambler though.I sure am glad my someday SJ will be a "doctor" and can help her poor old mother!

1 comment:

  1. Still laughing about the whole firewall comment! Don't worry, I haven't shared it with any one else. Glad to read that you are back up and running, and blogging away!
