Tuesday, March 10, 2009

50 Year Old Barbie

Happy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Barbie,Happy Birthday to you! Yes, yesterday Barbie turned 50 years old or new! She really hasn't aged in these 50 years. I no longer wear a pony tail; nor wear those outfits(I never did) and those shoes!

Did you know that they have a Barbie for any and all occasions,I think. In these difficult times,is there an unemployed Barbie; a Barbie that drives a used car; or a Barbie that has to move back home to make ends meet? Did Barbie ever go to college; read or write;or did she even think? She must have thought about those outfits and KEN...Now that's a whole other story!

I hope I don't offend anyone,but I didn't play with Barbies. I had everything under the sun. I had a Chatty Kathy Doll. Granted,she could only say,"I love you","Will you play with me?" and a few other phrases.Yet, she at least looked like me, and had a few thought in her head...

SJ did not have a Barbie. She had baby dolls and two American Girl Dolls. now those are real dolls. They dress for their time period in history and their stories tell you what they are thinking. I know that they have become quite the rage,but they were not when I first saw them in one of my educators magazine instead of the Sears catalogue.

Well, Happy Birthday Barbie,you still look wonderful,but don't your feet hurt yet?

1 comment:

  1. I wrote a letter to American Girl suggesting an Obama Girls inspired doll, I got a nice reply that they would send the suggestion onto their ideas team. Maybe you should write to Barbie and suggest your ideas!
